We're huge fans of the animated Avatar, The Last Airbender series in our household. We have been looking forward to seeing how it was brought to life on the big screen.
Let me just say that no series, whether animated or in book form is ever perfectly brought to life on the big screen. Having said that, I think the movie was good. Yes, they changed a few things around, but what I saw, I liked. I think the actors did a great job. I liked that key scenes were kept in the movie, and I really liked seeing the action scenes.
The fight scenes were true to the animated series form, the CGI was good, and I really liked that he kept all the characters. The only compliant I have is that they pronounced two names wrong. I know there's been some bad reviews in how M Night Shyamalan made the movie, but I thought he did a good job and I'm looking forward to seeing the other two movies. I liked that the creators of the show were also the executive producers of the movie.
My kids both really enjoyed it!! My son was totally into the movie like his dad and my daughter left the theater wanting to waterbend.. It was really cool!
I think it was smart breaking the movies up, similar to how each of the books are. I am exited to see how the other movies work out. I myself am excited to see Toph, A 12 year old, blind Earthbender, That is who I will be looking forward to see....
This is Toph!

We really enjoyed this film as much as our kids =)
Here is Melody "Waterbending" LOL